Rotaract Lietuva

man in black t-shirt holding coca cola bottle
man in black t-shirt holding coca cola bottle

Užsiimame ne pelno siekiančia veikla, labdara

Mūsų organizacijoje yra 11 klubų, kurie vykdo labdaringą veiklą
group of people standing near brown wooden house
group of people standing near brown wooden house
man in black jacket and blue denim jeans standing beside brown wooden box trailer during daytime
man in black jacket and blue denim jeans standing beside brown wooden box trailer during daytime
doctor and nurse during operation
doctor and nurse during operation


white ceramic cup filled with brown coffee on white saucer beside gold scissor
white ceramic cup filled with brown coffee on white saucer beside gold scissor
Klubas 1

Labdaringas veikimas klubo 1

Klubas 2

Labdaringas veikimas klubo 2

man in black jacket and blue denim jeans standing beside brown wooden box trailer during daytime
man in black jacket and blue denim jeans standing beside brown wooden box trailer during daytime
doctor and nurses inside operating room
doctor and nurses inside operating room
Klubas 3

Labdaringas veikimas klubo 3

Labdaringas veikimas klubo 4

Klubas 4
